
  • NuNano

    NuNano is a UK-based company specialising in the design and manufacture of probes for atomic force microscopy and cantilever-based sensor devices. It was founded in 2011 by Dr James Vicary and Professors Heinrich Hoerber and Mervyn Miles to… Read More

  • Animal Dynamics

    Animal Dynamics, a spin-out from the Department of Zoology at the University of Oxford, is developing a portfolio of products derived from research into evolutionary adaptations in flight, swimming, walking, and stealth, where nature has arrived at significant performance optimizations… Read More

  • Xerion

    Xerion Healthcare seeks to commercialise Dr Helen Townley’s Research Group’s work into the use of nano-particles in cancer for therapy, imaging and drug delivery. The small size of nano-particles means they can passively accumulate in tumours due to… Read More

  • Fluidic Analytics

    Fluidic Analytics is developing a line of tools for the rapid, accurate, cost-effective analysis of proteins and other biomolecular species. By combining a powerful microfluidics platform


    Aqdot‘s technology allows for an energy- and raw material-efficient way of manufacturing microcapsules, leading to lower energy consumption and less waste.

  • Sphere Fluidics

    Sphere Fluidics has developed unique products for use in single cell analysis and characterisation and provides collaborative R&D services.

  • Surrey NanoSystems

    Surrey NanoSystems has developed a leading technology portfolio addressing the needs of the global nanoelectronics sector.

  • Itaconix plc

    Revolymer, spun-out from Bristol University, has 2 core technologies based on amphiphilic polymers & encapsulation which have evolved into 4 platforms leading to multiple uses.