Life Sciences

  • NeoPhore

    NeoPhore is focused on the discovery and development of novel small molecule therapies to treat cancer through stimulation of the immune system. NeoPhore’s drug target rationale is highly validated by genetic evidence in cancer patients and cellular models…. Read More

  • Creavo Medical Technologies

    We are delighted to announce that the Parkwalk Opportunities Fund has made an investment in Creavo Medical Technologies, a University of Leeds Spin-out company, as part of a £13.4 million fundraising. The round was oversubscribed, exceeded Creavo’s funding… Read More

  • Predictimmune

    We are delighted to announce that the University of Cambridge Enterprise Fund IV and the Parkwalk Opportunities Fund have closed an investment in Predictimmune Limited, a spinout company from the University of Cambridge. Predictimmune is developing prognostic tests… Read More

  • Polypharmakos

    Cambridge and Kew join forces to find new antimicrobial substances in plants The Parkwalk-managed University of Cambridge Enterprise Fund IV and Cambridge Enterprise have invested £500k in Polypharmakos Limited, a spin-out from the University of Cambridge and the… Read More

  • Exonate

    Exonate are developing a novel approach to modulating new vessel growth.  By controlling the balance of two contrasting forms of a protein called Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF), they have demonstrated that they could not only treat models of… Read More

  • PsyOmics

    PsyOmics  is a University of Cambridge spin-out working to improve the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders. Mental illness accounts for over 15% of the disease burden in developed countries and in England alone, mental illness costs over… Read More

  • Oxford Endovascular

    Oxford Endovascular are developing a novel treatment for treating brain aneurysms. The Oxford technology uses a special laser-cut metal alloy which has a shape-memory. It can be posted into a catheter during surgery, inserted into the brain and… Read More

  • Xerion

    Xerion Healthcare seeks to commercialise Dr Helen Townley’s Research Group’s work into the use of nano-particles in cancer for therapy, imaging and drug delivery. The small size of nano-particles means they can passively accumulate in tumours due to… Read More

  • Quethera

    Quethera, a spin-out from the University of Cambridge, is a gene therapy company developing a novel treatment for glaucoma. The company aims to deliver gene products for neuroprotectants and their receptors directly to the eye, which will provide long term… Read More

  • Orthox

    Orthox is a medical device company founded to exploit FibroFix, a novel silk-based biomaterial platform, for the repair of injuries to cartilage and bone. FibroFix combines exceptional strength and resilience with a porous architecture and chemical structure similar… Read More

  • Sphere Medical

    Sphere’s products are used in a wide range of medical applications, enabling faster clinical decision-making and improved patient outcomes, whilst providing efficiencies that result in reduced healthcare costs.

  • PhoreMost

    PhoreMost has developed a next-generation phenotypic screening platform called ‘Site-Seeker’ to identify the best new targets for future therapy, and crucially, how to drug them. This has the potential to significantly increase the diversity of novel therapeutics for… Read More

  • Fluidic Analytics

    Fluidic Analytics is developing a line of tools for the rapid, accurate, cost-effective analysis of proteins and other biomolecular species. By combining a powerful microfluidics platform

  • Omega Diagnostics plc

    Omega Diagnostics is focused on selling a wide range of specialist products, primarily in the immunoassay, in-vitro diagnostics (IVD) market within three segments: Allergy and Autoimmune, Food Intolerance and Infectious Disease.

  • Horizon Discovery

    Horizon’s basic science and translational research knowledge deployed in combination with best-in-class translational genomics platforms, products and services provides meaningful solutions to the challenges of translational researchers.

  • Sphere Fluidics

    Sphere Fluidics has developed unique products for use in single cell analysis and characterisation and provides collaborative R&D services.

  • DefiniGEN

    DefiniGEN provides human cells to the drug discovery sector for use in lead optimization and toxicity programmes.

  • Reinnervate

    Reinnervate is a market leading company in the fast growing 3D cell culture market.