• Mind Foundry

    Spun-out of the University of Oxford Machine Learning Group, Mind Foundry has developed advanced machine learning algorithms to help organisations solve problems by unlocking insights hidden deep within their big data. The day-to-day operation of successful organisations and businesses is increasingly reliant… Read More

  • Zegami

    Spun-out of the University of Oxford Computational Biology Research Group in February 2016, Zegami allows users to view large collections of images and associated metadata in a single field of view and to perform intuitive data analysis. With the… Read More

  • Oxford Endovascular

    Oxford Endovascular are developing a novel treatment for treating brain aneurysms. The Oxford technology uses a special laser-cut metal alloy which has a shape-memory. It can be posted into a catheter during surgery, inserted into the brain and… Read More

  • Animal Dynamics

    Animal Dynamics, a spin-out from the Department of Zoology at the University of Oxford, is developing a portfolio of products derived from research into evolutionary adaptations in flight, swimming, walking, and stealth, where nature has arrived at significant performance optimizations… Read More

  • Bodle Technologies

    Bodle Technologies, from the University of Oxford, has developed a novel, smart material for use in low-energy high-resolution displays and glazing. Bodle’s display device offerings offer high flexibility, ultra-high resolution, and very low energy consumption, making a highly… Read More

  • Xerion

    Xerion Healthcare seeks to commercialise Dr Helen Townley’s Research Group’s work into the use of nano-particles in cancer for therapy, imaging and drug delivery. The small size of nano-particles means they can passively accumulate in tumours due to… Read More

  • Orthox

    Orthox is a medical device company founded to exploit FibroFix, a novel silk-based biomaterial platform, for the repair of injuries to cartilage and bone. FibroFix combines exceptional strength and resilience with a porous architecture and chemical structure similar… Read More