UK Tech VI

  • Boxarr

    Boxarr is a Southampton University spin-out that provides analytical and data visualisation support to solve highly complex supply chain, systems, process and project business problems. The company has developed a unique, versatile tool and powerful methodology that is… Read More

  • GeoSpock

    GeoSpock, a spin-out from the University of Cambridge, provides a real-time scaleable database for rapidly changing complex data.  The company’s ambition is to become the Google Search of Big Data. GeoSpock’s technology platform sits at the base of an… Read More

  • Orthox

    Orthox is a medical device company founded to exploit FibroFix, a novel silk-based biomaterial platform, for the repair of injuries to cartilage and bone. FibroFix combines exceptional strength and resilience with a porous architecture and chemical structure similar… Read More

  • Mirriad

    Mirriad is a leading provider of Native In-Video Advertising (NIVA) services to brands and agencies looking to address the growing challenges presented by ad skipping and ad blindness. The Mirriad technology was originally developed at Surrey University, and claims… Read More

  • Perpetuum

    Perpetuum engineered, produced and commercialised the world’s first practical electromagnetic vibration harvesting micro-generator delivering the power required to transmit large amounts of autonomous wireless sensor data reliably from remotely monitored assets. Perpetuum’s technology provides self-powered wireless conditioning monitoring solutions for… Read More

  • Symetrica

    Symetrica specializes in the detection and identification of radioisotopes for Security Applications.