Tracsis plc
Parkwalk sold its stake in Tracsis plc in June 2014, generating a 6.8x return for investors (nearly 10x inclusive of initial EIS tax reliefs). This exit returned, in cash, more than the cost of investors’ subscriptions into the Parkwalk Tech Fund II, with other investments in the fund still potentially able to offer future returns.
Tracsis is a developer, supplier and aggregator of resource optimisation, data capture, and reporting technologies to the transport industry. Tracsis provides a number of complementary services to its core software offering, including the highly acclaimed RWA Rail consultancy.
The Group specialises in solving a variety of data capture, reporting and resource optimisation problems along with the provision of a range of associated professional services.
Tracsis’ products and services are used to increase efficiency, reduce cost and improve the operational performance and decision making capabilities for clients and customers.
SOFTWARE – Industry strength resource optimisation software that covers a variety of asset classes.
CONDITION MONITORING – Condition monitoring technology and reporting for critical infrastructure assets – used to interrogate mission critical assets to assess performance in real time to identify problems and aid with preventative maintenance.
PROFESSIONAL SERVICES – Professional services across the operational and strategic planning horizon.
DATA CAPTURE – Collation and analytical services within traffic and pedestrian rich environments.
Tracsis has offices in the UK and Australia which service projects in Europe and Australasia.