EIS Funds Performance

Tax YearRealised ReturnUnrealised ReturnTotal % ReturnTotal % Return inc. EIS Reliefs & Fees

Valuations as of 25th September 2017, on all investments made across all Funds per tax year
Past performance is no guide to future performance

Realised Return is cash returned to investors per £ invested (including loss relief if applicable)
Unrealised Return is value of the balance of  the portfolio including escrow and potential earn-outs on exits
Performance figures exclude performance fees
For details of the basis on which fees are charged to the Funds, see the Funds’ prospectuses
Please contact Parkwalk for monthly historical performance data

Past performance is no guide to future performance. Projections and forecasts are also not a reliable indicator of future performance. The performance of a fund can fall as well as rise. Investors may receive back less than originally invested. An investment in smaller and unquoted companies carries a higher risk than many other forms of investment. Shares in unquoted companies are highly illiquid and as such there may not be a readily available market to sell such an investment. Tax treatment depends on the individual circumstances of each investor and may be subject to change. Investments referred to in this website are not suitable for all investors. Interested parties are strongly recommended to seek specialist financial and tax advice before investing in any Parkwalk product. Any investment in a Parkwalk product must only be made on the basis of the terms of the full Information Memorandum. Parkwalk is not able to provide advice as to the suitability of investing in a Parkwalk product.