Cambridge Touch Technologies – follow-on investment

We have recently made a follow-on investment in Cambridge Touch Technologies for the University of Cambridge Enterprise Fund IV, the Parkwalk UK Tech Fund VII and the Parkwalk Opportunities Fund  in a series ‘A’ financing round.

Cambridge Touch Technologies (CTT), a University of Cambridge start-up poised to make 3D touch technology a standard feature on smart devices, has received seed investment by Cambridge Enterprise, the commercialisation arm of the University.
The details of the investment have not been disclosed.
CTT’s next generation 3D touch technology enables mobile devices to sense both the location and force of multi-touch inputs. CTT’s technology improves on the first generation of 3D technologies recently introduced to mass markets, which allow users to press a phone’s touch screen – exerting force – to access useful new interactions such as ‘peek and pop’ and ‘left-click’ functionality. Unlike this first generation technology, CTT has developed a sensitive multi-touch technology that can sense ‘multi finger’ force, is more scalable and cost-effective without any decrease in battery life. As a result, force-sensing technology, which currently offers limited functionality and is only available in smartphone-sized devices, can potentially be expanded and deployed on any touch screen – from smartphones to tablets to those in automobiles and beyond.
Since 2011, CTT has been developing its leading and patent pending analogue circuitry and digital algorithms, which leverage the existing manufacturing processes and standard architectures of conventional projected capacitive touch. CTT’s technology will lead to more immersive apps, better gaming experiences and higher everyday user satisfaction and productivity.
“We’ve added in improved performance and taken out the complexity,” said Corbin Church, CEO of CTT. “The technology can now be adapted in more formats and deployed in a larger part of the market at a lower cost.”
Dr Arokia Nathan, CTO and co-founder of CTT, and Professor of Photonic Systems and Displays at the University of Cambridge’s Department of Engineering, said “the elegance of this new 3D touch technology lies in the simplicity of signal acquisition, signal processing and digital noise reduction, and it really opens the door for 3D touch to a new generation of applications.”
3D touch-enabled devices are expected to grow to more than 900 million units annually in 2020, according to IHS Technology.