YASA Motors – Parkwalk closes follow-on investment

We are delighted to announce that the Parkwalk Opportunities Fund and the UK Tech Fund VII have led a funding round in YASA Motors, a spin-out from the University of Oxford. The company aims to commercialise its patented technology in electric motors and generators across a range of product areas.

YASA Motors (YASA) was incorporated in 2009 to commercialise the unique motor topology developed by founder and CTO Dr Woolmer at the University of Oxford. The Yokeless And Segmented Armature design – hence YASA – allows more efficient use of key magnetic and structural materials.

The technology allows YASA to manufacture a range of standard electric motors and generators with superior performance characteristics. In particular the motors are smaller and lighter, are easier to manufacture and produce exceptionally high power and torque. YASA’s standard products are typically integrated into customers’ products for low volume applications whilst the company also carries out bespoke design and development work for OEM customers with high volume applications where the volumes can justify the cost of customisation.