
Xeros wins Clean-Tech UK sector product of the year and Xeros Chief executive Bill Westwater has been named as UK CEO of the Year in the highly competitive Cleantech category in the Business Excellence Awards 2013.

The Acquisition International Business Excellence Awards identify and honour the most respected companies and their C-level executives, while recognising and rewarding outstanding success, innovation and ethics across international business communities.

The awards are given solely on merit and are awarded to commend those most deserving for outstanding work over the last 12 months. The awards recognise leaders in their respective fields and, crucially, are nominated by their clients and their peers.

Bill Westwater, CEO of Xeros, said “We have a big but simple idea: to convert the traditional world of aqueous washing to Xeros bead cleaning. Our superior cleaning method delivers a whole variety of benefits to people, businesses and the environment.

“The award is a terrific accolade for the team. The last twelve months in particular, have been among the most exciting and challenging for Xeros. Not only did we succeed in raising significant investment to take the business to the next stage, but we also achieved our objective of validating our technology in the States with installations in key segments of the market. We are now well placed to accelerate our journey towards changing the way the world cleans its clothes, forever.”