
Dr Henry Snaith wins Paterson Medal

Dr Henry J Snaith, Clarendon Laboratory, University of Oxford.
For his important contributions to the field of excitonic solar cells.

Henry Snaith is a leading figure in excitonic solar cell research and in organic and hybrid optoelectronics. His activities range from nanomaterials synthesis through to device fabrication and optimisation, optical spectroscopy and theory. He has studied a number of device systems including LEDs, polymer lasers, polymer solar cells and transistors, but focuses his efforts on solid-state dye sensitised solar cells (DSSC). DSSC technology has a real chance of becoming a major future power source, with very low basic materials and processing cost. Snaith has made significant contributions to the study of charge generation and transport mechanisms in polymer blend, hybrid and dye-sensitised solar cells: he has introduced new device concepts and new optoelectronic methods to analyse these nanocomposite materials….